
Monday, February 8, 2021

'Positively un-Texan:' Republicans look to rein in HOA restrictions on religious symbols - Houston Chronicle
'Positively un-Texan:' Republicans look to rein in HOA restrictions on religious symbols - Houston Chronicle

Homeowners associations in Texas would be barred from restricting property owners from putting up religious displays in their yards under a new bill filed in the Texas Legislature.

State Sen. Paul Bettencourt, R-Houston, called the legislation a “slam dunk” and said some homeowners associations have gone too far in hassling property owners about their religious expression.

“The bottom line is simply that if a homeowner wants to display a Nativity scene, put a cross or Menorah on their door, or exercise their religious freedom, whatever their religion might be, a homeowners association should not have the right to prevent that,” Bettencourt said.

Bettencourt pointed to a 2018 case in which a Houston homeowner was told by his association that a small cross with the words “He has risen” stuck in the ground next to shrubs in his yard violated the community’s deed restrictions and needed to be removed.

Bettencourt is getting plenty of support for the bill. Sens Brandon Creighton, R-Conroe, and Lois Kolkhorst, R-Brenham, have also signed onto the proposal in the Senate, while State Rep. Mike Schofield, R-Katy, has filed an identical bill in the Texas House.

“Preventing someone from having a religious symbol on their own lawn is an infringement on freedom that is positively un-Texan, and it must stop,” Schofield said.

Other states have passed similar legislation. In 2020, California enacted a law that bars HOAs from forcing homeowners to take down religious displays on their doors or entryways.

Texas law already bars homeowners associations from making people remove religious items on their door. But SB 581 would expand that to include people’s yards as well.

2021-02-08 19:55:14Z


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